Saturday, December 31, 2011

amenable \uh-MEE-nuh-bul\ adjective

My New Year's Eve plans always seem to change at the last minute.  One time I was heading to a friend's house on the subway, and we ended up being held between stations for quite some time, so I ended up toasting with new friends.  Another time I just wasn't up to facing the cold and crowds, so after getting completely dressed up, I stayed in with my sister.  I think it's a good philosophy to be willing to go where the New Year's Eve takes you- it keeps you flexible for the New Year.  Wishing everyone a great one.

Friday, December 30, 2011

maladroit \mal-uh-DROYT\ adjective

Oof- very accurate for today.  I unfortunately still have tons of work to do before the semester starts up again, and I've felt this way all day about my ability to get it done.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

gloss \GLAHSS\ verb

Seems an apropos time for some explaining and clarifying before the New Year begins, especially in the middle of lots of studying.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

duckboard \DUK-bord\ noun

I often wish for a metaphorical duckboard to lay down over difficult times, in hopes of passing through the trenches without too much mud, marsh, & wetness.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

flagrant \FLAY-grunt\ adjective

These word-of-the-days always make me nervous- have to run several errands today, so perhaps I'll just encounter some mildly flagrant shoppers... update to follow.

Update: Mildly flagrant shoppers, indeed!

intrepid \in-TREP-id\ adjective

I'm lucky to know many of people like this and spoke with quite a few of them today.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

tiding \TYE-ding\ noun

Great tidings today- another dear friend is engaged!  Much love to all three of my friends who have gotten engaged this year, and Merry Christmas to all.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

dulcet \DUL-sut\ adjective

On this Christmas Eve, there's delicious food, beautiful music, and Sweet Cheeks Riesling, making the evening a very dulcet one.  I feel very lucky.  Happy Holidays to all.

Friday, December 23, 2011

echelon \ESH-uh-lahn\ noun

Easy one.  Lots of discussion about the financial firm where I used to work came up today.  The upper echelons of it come to mind, and the talented women I worked with there.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

wreak \REEK\ verb

Uh-oh.  At first I thought it was 'reek,' which would make sense: there is trash in the kitchen that desperately needs to be taken out.  But unfortunately, it is 'wreak', as in wreak havoc.  Since I'm traveling by train, taxi, & plane today, my word of the day begs a prayer to the travel gods: please smile favorably on this lady!

Update:  Merriam-Webster word of the day reigns supreme!  The holiday congestion truly wreaked havoc on my travel, but I made it eventually (around 12:30am) and was able to laugh at it all.  When things get too absurd, you just have to give in and giggle :o)

subterfuge \SUB-ter-fyooj\ noun

It's true.  I've now admitted it to someone besides myself.  I view my Merriam-Webster Word of the Day e-mails as the definition of what my day will be.

After waking, I usually scroll quickly through the e-mails on my phone.  And I see it: my Word of the Day.  And before I can stop myself, I think, 'What does this day have in store?'

Tuesday, 12/20/11: subterfuge.  So many delicious possibilities... do I hide, mask, conceal?  And what do I evade, escape, or deceive exactly??  Then I spend my day subconsciously, (or sometimes, actively and fully aware), looking for opportunities for sneaky subterfuge... and it usually presents itself.

Example: Utilizing skillful subterfuge, Ashton was able to steal his laptop away and hide it in the top dresser drawer.