Thursday, June 28, 2012

planet \PLAN-ut\ noun


I'm stumped, Merriam-Webster.  What do you mean?  Will my day be celestial?  Of great importance??  Or do I just need a planetary review?

Paul Stansifer, 84user, NASA, Celestia, JPL/Caltech

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

oftentimes \AW-fun-tymez\ adverb

Oftentimes, I find myself on minimalism blogs, reading about packing parties.  While I don't have a ton of stuff actually, it makes me think about how I can best use my time & energy.

Oftentimes (2), I find eating right before I go to bed to produce terrifying dreams.  Must avoid that at all costs!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

desideratum \dih-sid-uh-RAH-tum\ noun, plural desiderata

Every summer: sundresses become imperative.  Needing more than ten?  Probably not a necessity.

Monday, June 25, 2012

frolic \FRAH-lik\ verb

What thunderstorms in NYC make me ache for- some open grass to frolic in.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

borborygmus \bor-buh-RIG-mus\ noun, plural borborygmi

Merriam-Webster!  I'm going to one of my favorite brunch places in the city this morning:

Saturday, June 23, 2012

nebulous \NEB-yuh-lus\ adjective

So I'm not the best at directions.  I like to "feel them out" or take the exit that "feels best," which inevitably gets me incredibly lost.  Even when I put directions into the GPS on my phone, and I always think it's the other way, and maybe the GPS is just messing up.  I did that once, and it worked, so I think that's skewed my view on directions.  Also this belief I have that following my gut is the best policy.

Perhaps not in the navigator position, eh?

Friday, June 22, 2012

wetware \WET-wair\ noun

Adding Outlook calendars, Inboxes, and Contacts on my own?  Check.

Trying to add NexJ to my work account on my own?  Check.

My brain feeling a little overworked, as I have no IT training whatsoever?  Check check.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

amative \AM-uh-tiv\ adjective

I celebrated the first full day of summer in style today, and loved every single minute of it.  I had a short day at work, so I skipped out around 2pm, after grabbing a small sweet treat with a dear friend, Katy.  I had plans for a date, but the details were still up in the air.  In true joyful, impromptu fashion, we ended up at Jane's Carousel, down by the water in Dumbo, and rode the carousel for $2- it was magical, to say the least!  I will definitely head back there soon, ideally with more friends, to fill up the whole Carousel, perhaps??

Here's a glimpse from their website:  Tried to credit the photographer, by the way, but nowhere was a name to be found :-(

But on the way to the Carousel, we stumbled upon a new One Girl Cookies location!

Friends who know & love me know that I LOVE One Girl Cookies.  Specifically, their Pumpkin Spice Whoopie Pies.  I grabbed on of those, split an iced coffee, and then hopped on that Carousel.

It was the Best First Full Day of Summer I've ever had- hands down.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

slimsy \SLIM-zee\ adjective

My back today, strangely.  This extreme heat just melts me, I suppose!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Saturday, June 16, 2012

ahimsa \uh-HIM-sah\ noun

Moving can be stressful.  Especially when you've done it five times in the past six years, with three mini-moves sprinkled in over three months.  So ahimsa is a very good reminder on mini-move day #2, when your cab driver clearly picks the route with the most traffic that includes the Triboro Bridge toll, and when you ask to take a different way, sneezes on you and says he has a cold from all his passengers.  

I harmed no one today... but I must admit I thought about it.

Friday, June 15, 2012

exigent \EK-suh-junt\ adjective

Going in to temp for a high-level exec, this Word-of-the-Day gives me hives a bit...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

mandarin \MAN-drin\ adjective

Completing some financial stuff today- talk about complexity of language!  Even the company employee had trouble explaining some of the documents to me.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

catch-22 \KATCH-twen-tee-TOO\ noun

The catch-22 of taking a day off from work today to get things done, is that I'm so tired from the week that I want to do nothing, and might just do that...  perhaps more ironic than a catch-22, but the credit card debacle is definitely one.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

commemorate \kuh-MEM-uh-rayt\ verb

A number of things were called to remembrance today, now that I'm back in NYC after being gone for nine months.  Top of the list: breakfast at Smith Canteen, and pumpkin spice whoopie pies from One Girl Cookies.  You can see where my priorities are:

And a new adventure to try!

Monday, June 11, 2012

benevolent \buh-NEV-uh-lunt\ adjective

Reminder of the Day for Ashton.  For people in charge.  For the world, really.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

cognoscente \kahn-yuh-SHEN-tee\ noun, plural cognoscenti

Surrounded by 'em.  Feel lucky in the theatre world, a little lost in the finance world, and pretty happy with the rest of NYC :-)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

tempestuous \tem-PESS-chuh-wus\ adjective

M-W WotD writers have clearly checked the Weather Channel report for the week... umbrella time!

Monday, June 4, 2012

lookism \LOOK-iz-um\ noun

Strangely appropriate for my first day back of temping in over 10 months.  Wowza.  I have a strange habit of dressing in the "temp uniform" the first day of an assignment, particularly if it's a longer one.  The "temp uniform" ideally says that I'm professional, capable, and smart.  Ideally it doesn't say anything about being feminine, attractive, and or (heaven forbid) sexy.  It's just automatic when I know I'll be meeting lots of new people in an office setting.  But only on the first day; after that, I love wearing dresses and heels and feel more dress to dress more "artistically," whatever that means... :o)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Friday, June 1, 2012

space cadet \SPAYSS-kuh-DET\ noun

Having packed up all my stuff for the 5th time in 6 years, subletted my apartment, subletted another apartment in Brooklyn, and moved to NYC for the summer all in this past week, I feel exactly like a space cadet.  Am having trouble forming complete sentences, and Billy Joel songs on the radio are making me VERY weepy... oof!